Tuesday, 22 August 2023

Observation Station becomes Museum of St Mary's Allotments


This is the Observation Station in it's latest performance: pride of place next to the composting loo right next to the carpark at St Mary's Allotments in Leamington Spa :-) It is there with many thanks to wonderful concealed-curator Tammy Woodrow and allotmenteer poet Nigel Briggs.

I will post a bit more about the Museum of St Mary's in a few days to coincide with the opening of the Art Trail for Warwickshire Heritage Open Days. But just to say that I am really grateful for those who have come forward with more artefacts they have found in their allotments to feature in the museum. These are fascinating and I'm really looking forward to sharing them. 

me: via this site or Instagram @anatomyofasmile
Tammy: https://tammywoodrow.jimdofree.com/ or Instagram: @tammywoodrow

Update: Just to say that sharing the museum was great, and that the art trail was a great success for Tammy and her team. With the artefacts safely tucked away the Observation Station is now over-wintering in my garden and awaits further plans.

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