This has grown from some artwork on improbable / unfeasible buildings and investigation into mark-making - drawing a line. Thick acrylic paint, incised when wet and infilled with more paint when dry on bits of mount board that were left over from some mounts I made for my open studio back in the summer. I dislike throwing away stuff so they were lying about waiting for a job.
What I'm wondering is: should I do more and end up with a kind of patchwork montage? Would that be along the right lines of my investigation? They take quite a bit of time to make and since I'm not made of time I need to consider if it's time-wasting to make more.
Also, do themes of proliferation, fragmentation and multiplication work with my interests in unfeasibility, uncertainty, improbability. It strikes me that these are all reductive things and the aspect of repeated shapes is multiplying and I wonder what the outcome would be of combining the two.
Is there a sense of repetition towards infinity? This could be a question of whether infinity exists. There are differing ideas about this.
If there were to be a sense of breakdown within the repetition - in a sense like RNA, which carries information from DNA to the ribosome, where messages that don't arrive atrophy and degenerate.
Currently, I think the outcome of this is that they work better alone. Or in small groups so that they can be contained. I think I may try to think more about the relationship between the works I've done - not to prove or display a link - but to see how they speak to each other.
Maybe or maybe not connected that: I recently read an Aeon article about the philosopher Phillipa Foot - about moral choices being value driven with those values more likely to come from the reality (or perceived reality) that surrounds us rather than from logic or language, which prioritises relationships & culture as decision-making tools.
So maybe a question I can ask myself about the future of this work is: What is the reality that surrounds it/me? rather than 'What is the logical result / next step'.
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